VAWA came into effect in 1994. VAWA is a law that provides protective services to survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The Law also provides funding for the investigation, prosecution, and prevention of violent crimes against both women and men.
Often times, victims are threatened with deportation if they leave their abuser. VAWA can help immigrants in abusive relationships with permanent residents or U.S. Citizens obtain permanent residency without relying on their abuser for immigration support. Many immigration processes require the applicant to have a petitioner to support them in many ways, including financially. However, VAWA allows for qualifying individuals to self-petition.
VAWA helps both men and women who are survivors of abuse by providing protection to stay in the country while they escape an abusive partner. Not all abuse cases need to be physical for a survivor to qualify for VAWA.
Are you eligible for VAWA? Click here to read eligibility requirements.
Be aware: Many lawyers are recommending VAWA applications to individuals who are not eligible. Be very cautious before filing for VAWA and make sure to consult with an attorney. Be careful with a lawyer who pressures you to file for VAWA while still living with your spouse and with no documented abuse. We recommend consulting with a certified attorney before seeking this relief. Do not commit fraud, there could be serious consequences!
Please be advised, some VAWA self-petitioners will now be required to have an interview. Want to know if you could potentially be requested for an interview? Read here for more information.
If you believe you or someone you know could be eligible for VAWA, call us today! Come to the Board Certified attorney with 18 years of experience, Belinda Arroyo, today!